Become An Affiliated Provider

What does it mean to be an affiliated provider?

Becoming an affiliated provider allows you to sell the full line of ABI Dermaceuticals online to your clients with your personal website.  All orders are processed and set directly to your client, plus shipping is free!  Not only does this allow the convenience to your clients but as an Affiliated Provider you will also be paid commissions on your sales!

How does it work?

There are 2 options to choose from, Dropship Partner or Distributor Partner.
• A Dropship Partner will receive 15% of retail sales with just a minimum commitment of $200 wholesale order per month. (Minimum is WAIVED through October 31st!)
• A Distributor Partner will receive 45% of retail sales and minimum commitment of $500 wholesale order per month.
Either option allows you to have retail products available for your client to take home when they are in for an appointment. And now, your clients will have the convenience to order more product anytime. All online orders will be fulfilled by ABI and sent directly to your clients with no shipping cost.


You will have your own URL for the retail ABI website which will include your logo beside the ABI logo. When a customer uses a specific link they know this is your site.


  • Business Information

  • Account Information

  • Your username should be your business name without spaces
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.